Events - 27.08.2012 - 00:00
24 August 2012. In the course of the 8th World Ageing & Generations Congress of 27 to 30 August 2012 at the University of St.Gallen, about 100 experts and 300 participants will discuss migration policy and demographic change until 2022. This year, the organisers of the WDA Congress are inviting the general public to three free events. The lecture and the panel discussions will take place in the Audimax of the HSG Library Building, Dufourstrasse 50, St.Gallen.
On Tuesday, 28 August 2012, from 6.00 to 7.30 p.m., the Swedish Minister for Trade, Ewa Björling, will present her country’s migration model. The labour-market-related issuance of residence permits and the integration of immigrants are regarded as exemplary. Sweden, which is now a multicultural country, masters its economic challenges with the help of immigrants. At the same time, the Scandinavian country fulfils its humanitarian function in this way.
Sweden as a role model: what can Switzerland learn?
What can other countries such as Switzerland learn from the Swedish migration model? The panel will consist of Doris Fiala-Goldinger (National Councillor, Liberal Party, Switzerland), Eduard Gnesa (Special Ambassador for International Cooperation on Migration of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), Prof. Dr. Daniel Jositsch (National Councillor, Social Democrats, Zurich) and Prof. Dr. Rainer Münz (ERSTE Group Bank, Austria). The discussion will be chaired by Dr. Urs Läubli (Senior Partner, Hirzel Neef Schmid Konsulenten).
Demographic change has an impact on private life as well as on political systems. In her public lecture on Wednesday, 29 August 2012, from 6.00 to 7.00 p.m., Councillor of States Karin Keller-Sutter will be speaking about the consequences of the demographic situation for the social insurance system.
China and India in competition
Another public panel discussion on Wednesday, 29 August 2012, from 5.00 to 6.00 p.m., will shed light on how population growth affects China and India. David E. Bloom, Professor of Economics and Demography at the Harvard School of Public Health, USA, will be speaking about competition between the Asian countries. The panel will consist of Somnath Chatterji (World Health Organization), Karen Eggleston (Stanford University), Fang Liu (China Research Center on Ageing, China), K. Srinath Reddy (Public Health Foundation, India) and Feng Wang (Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy, USA).
Photos: Photocase / Lego