Central to the field of corporate governance is an understanding of the interplay between ownership and management and its implications on the firm and its shareholders and stakeholders. This course by Christine Scheef builds on theoretical foundations such as the agency theory to illustrate the origins of corporate governance systems. Beyond classical control mechanisms such as the board of directors, incentive systems or regulations, the course focuses on the strategic relevance of owners for their firms. Goals and preferences of owner types such as families, founders or investor groups are highlighted and the clashing principles of shareholder and stakeholder value are illustrated.
The goal of the course is the participants understanding of major governance theories and how boards and owners use governance tools to implement their goals and strategies. Through a critical attitude towards corporate governance practices, students will analyze strengths and weaknesses for value creation and design beneficial governance structures.
The course is offered as part of the Master in General Management (MGM-HSG). It is structured in six modules and has a study mission character combining lectures, case discussions, group projects and guest lectures by senior executives.