Governance in Family Firms

The interaction between families and businesses leads to special governance challenges: Corporate governance, owner governance, family governance and asset governance.

Family offices and entrepreneurship

Family offices and entrepreneurship

In the UBS video, Jan Boes, Lay Peng Tan and Thomas Zellweger, address the question of how family wealth is preserved over generations. They shed light on the role of a family office and discuss the benefits that meaningful family governance can play in meeting this challenge. They also show how large family assets are typically structured.

Practitioner Studies

White Paper_The way forward for family offices_2021_english

White Paper_The way forward for family offices_2021_deutsch

EY Family Office Guide_2016_Pathway to successful family and wealth managemen

Zellweger, T., & Kammerlander, N. (2014). Family Business Groups in Deutschland: Generationenübergreifendes Unternehmertum in grossen deutschen Unternehmerdynastien

EY Family Office Guide_2013_Pathway to successful family and wealth management

Further Studies
