Many owner-managers face questions at the intersection of ownership and management. There are, however, only limited opportunities to trustfully and discretely exchange views with other owner-managers, to jointly discuss critical issues, and to get new, valuable ideas for the own personal development and for the own company. That’s the goal that we have set for the St.Galler Owner Manager Forum.
The St.Galler Owner Manager Forum provides a platform for around 30 owner-managers. The forum focuses on the exchange of experiences among its members and with experts from research and practice and discretely discusses topics at the intersection of ownership and management.
The St.Galler Owner Manager Forum targets owner-managers, thus persons, who have a significant strategic influence on their established companies (e.g. CEO, board chair, director, executive) and who hold a significant ownership share.
Consultants and other service providers are excluded from membership.
Members jointly agree on the topics for the meetings. In each meeting, own experiences are exchanged moderated by the University of St.Gallen and experts from research and practice will be invited to give keynote speeches.
The St.Galler Owner Manager Forum takes place twice a year as a full-day event in Zurich. The Forum can also take place at a member company or at the University of St.Gallen.
As project leader, Prof. Dr. Christine Scheef is in charge of the St.Galler Owner Manager Forum and Prof. Dr. Thomas Zellweger acts as academic advisor to the Forum.
Assistant Professor, Project Manager
Full Professor of Business Administration with specialisation in Family Business at the University of St.Gallen, Managing Director KMU-HSG, Managing Director CFB-HSG