
The Supporter Club of the Center for Family Business comprises several well-known individuals and family firms and supports the CFB-HSG in strengthening the public awareness of the importance of family firms. 

The Supporter Club also offers a unique platform for exchange of thoughts and experiences among family owners. St.Galler Owner Manager Forum is integrated into the supporter club packages.
St.Galler Owner Manager Forum

Many thanks to our supporters:

The Huber family manages its industrial holdings through the huwa Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG. The largest holding is the technology firm SFS Group, which manufactures mechanical fastening systems and precision components for the automobile, construction, electronics, and medical industries.

The traditional family-owned company Robert Aebi exists since more than 140 years and is leading in the sale and maintenance of construction and agricultural machinery. The company, which specialises in customer-specific services, employs around 900 people in Switzerland and Germany, of which 10 percent are apprentices.

We would like to thank also the former members of our Supporter Club:

Chocolats Camille Bloch SA, W. Kündig & Cie AG, Bindella, Tamedia AG, Looser Holding AG, Lienhard Office Group AG, Keller Transition Management, Marc Dietrich, Bank Vontobel AG, SIGVARIS Group


Thomas Zellweger

Prof. Dr.

Full Professor of Business Administration with specialisation in Family Business at the University of St.Gallen, Managing Director KMU-HSG, Managing Director CFB-HSG

Büro 1-356
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen

Christine Scheef

Prof. Dr.

Assistant Professor, Project Manager

Büro 1-348
Dufourstrasse 40a
9000 St. Gallen


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Cooperation with the Center for Family Business
