
Publications - 24.05.2010 - 00:00 

Annual Report of the HSG

The University of St.Gallen (HSG) will publish its Annual Report to coincide with the start of the Fall Semester.
Source: HSG Newsroom

17 September 2009. The Annual Report publishes impressions and reports on the HSG’s everyday life and reviews the academic year from August 2008 to July 2009.

Topics include the outhousing of some of the books from the University Library, the creation of learning and working spaces for students, and the establishment of the Good Energies Chair of Renewable Energy Management.

The HSG’s contribution to value creation in the region – the HSG’s Regionalisation Report – and the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence (CEE-HSG), which was set up by the HSG Alumni Advisory Committee with the intention to promote the spirit of enterprise, are topics covered by the Annual Report.
