
Campus - 19.09.2011 - 00:00 

New Doctors at the HSG

On the occasion of the graduation ceremony on 19 September 2011, President Thomas Bieger awarded 77 Doctor’s degrees. In his ceremonial address, he spoke about a doctorate being tantamount to a profession.
Source: HSG Newsroom


19 September 2011. On 19 September 2011, the University of St.Gallen (HSG) awarded 77 Doctor’s degrees ‒ 57 in Economic Sciences, four in Political Science, 13 in Law, two in Social Sciences, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Finance. 13 graduates received the highest distinction, summa cum laude. In his ceremonial address, President Thomas Bieger spoke about a doctorate as being evidence of a profession and an acknowledgement of quality standards.

Profession with quality
A Doctor’s degree was a type of badge of a profession, said Bieger. But in the past year, this badge had come under pressure through the plagiarism affairs and related questions as to the ethics of the holders of Doctor’s degrees. For precisely this reason, and in the wake of the economic crisis, the question had repeatedly been asked as to how graduates could be encouraged to assume more responsibility and to act more sustainably. One approach towards this was that managing was progressing in the direction of a profession.

Academic ethos
A profession was based on widely accepted quality standards and a “professional ethos”, which arise from an understanding shared by the members of a profession. In contrast to the classic understanding of a profession, it was not an absolute quality standard that was important in this context, but the generation of knowledge for society. “To this extent, academics are assigned a great responsibility with regard to their personal definition of procedures and of the quality standards to be set – this is also part of the important academic freedom,” said Bieger. An academic ethos was very important.

With musical interludes and welcoming addresses

The ceremony was musically accompanied by the woodwind ensemble of the St.Gallen Symphony Orchestra. Welcoming addresses to the newly qualified Doctors and guests were given by Dr. Urs Landolf, President of HSG Alumni, and Dr. Jan Roy Edlund, Managing Partner of Human Resources International AG, Zollikon.
