
Videos - 16.05.2022 - 00:00 

HSG Impact Award 2022: Ethics of the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid 19 pandemic has preoccupied society like no other topic over the past two years. It became clear right from the start that the questions and problems associated with the pandemic are not only of a virological, economic, and statistical nature, but also have social and ethical dimensions at their core. In a series of articles in leading public media in the German-speaking world, Prof. Dr. Thomas Beschorner and Prof. Dr. Martin Kolmar intervened in this discussion to contribute to the debate with well-founded factual analyses and normative reflections. Their text alone "Discrimination against the unvaccinated is ethically justified" on ZEIT Online has been read well over 500,000 times, commented on, and shared many times. This and other texts by Beschorner and Kolmar on the topic provided essential impulses for a social debate and shaped the social and political discussion in the past pandemic years. (in German)
Source: HSG Newsroom
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