Events - 13.02.2015 - 00:00
16 February 2015. The HSG Talents Conference is organised by HSG students under the aegis of the Career Services Center of the University of St.Gallen. It attracts representatives from more than 100 regional, national and international firms to St.Gallen. Students can discuss matters with corporate representatives, sound out professional perspectives and have their application documents checked.
Passion and career
How much passion does professional success require? Does passion drive a career forwards? Can (excessive) passion impair success or private life? These questions will be dealt with by Beatrice Tschanz, one-time Head of Corporate Communications at Swissair, and football expert Ottmar Hitzfeld on the occasion of the 2015 HSG Talents Conference.
The public launching event will begin on 24 February 2015 at 6.15 p.m. in the Audimax (Room 09-010) of the University of St.Gallen. Moderator Michael Krobath will chair the subsequent discussion of this year’s conference topic, “Match Passion & Profession”.
Career advice and exchange in the “chocolate job”
From 25 February to 20 March, firms will conduct a number of workshops, presentations and interviews on the HSG campus. International groups, but also regional companies, will present themselves to students. The workshops will provide young people with an opportunity to train and demonstrate their knowledge and skills.
The objective of the interviews is to find suitable candidates for vacancies in companies. A new feature will be the “Confect & Connect” format, whereby students and corporate representatives will be able to get acquainted and talk to each other while making chocolates together.
The Career Services Center will offer students concerted preparation for their first career step in workshops and individual consultations. Topics will include the drawing up of application documents, interview training sessions and an optimal preparation for a visit to the job fair.