Campus - 30.06.2019 - 00:00
30 June 2019. "Today is a happy day for the University of St.Gallen, which will go down in the University’s history," says President Thomas Bieger. "The Platztor campus will provide new opportunities: it will substantially reinforce Eastern Switzerland as a centre of education and business, and it will enable the HSG to continue to make a significant contribution in the future."
The decision in favour of the new campus means that the space can now be created which is urgently needed for the HSG to be able to continue to fulfil its core tasks – teaching, research and executive education – to high quality standards and in a way that is internationally competitive. Florian Wussmann, the President of the Student Union, says: "In comparison with other Swiss universities or Fachhochschulen, we had to make do with very little space for years. With the new campus, the HSG’s room shortage will be substantially reduced. As the spokesman of those who are directly affected, I’m therefore pleased that a normalisation of spatial conditions is in the offing and that we’ll also be given more space for our student activities."
Now that the bill has been adopted, an architectural competition will be launched immediately. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2024, and completion is expected for late 2027.
The University appreciates the positive result of the ballot as a sign that the general public back the development of the HSG. The HSG will do its utmost to justify the trust that has been placed in it and will continue to work tirelessly for the benefit of its home, St.Gallen.
The University Management would like to thank the Cantonal Parliament, the Cantonal Government, the non-partisan committee, the Municipal Council, the students, all HSG members and all those who have campaigned for this intergenerational project.