Publications - 26.11.2014 - 00:00
28 November 2014. Google, Apple, Coca-Cola, BMW, Louis Vuitton and Nike: we are all aware of brands and even love some of them. Usually, however, we feel beleaguered by a brand jungle that is rampant out there and tries to court our favour, yet frequently remains an impenetrable thicket. The latest issue of our digital University magazine HSG Focus is tries to bring some light into this darkness.
What is a brand? Tom Sitati, the former Director of Brandscape, aptly described this with the words "A brand is a promise and a great brand is a promise made and a promise kept."
What do we promise with the present issue of HSG Focus? We promise, among other things, that you will learn more about the perspectives of the internationally reputable brand expert Dominique von Matt and about "real Marketing". Let yourself be surprised by "Connect Four for a strong brand". Read more about why "most young men shave like their dads" and why there are limits to how brands are allowed to court customers’ favour. And let yourself be inspired by what the brand “University of St.Gallen (HSG)” promises.
HSG Focus is published free of charge as an app optimised for tablets and available as a smartphone version. Landing page: A web app version is now available with immediate effect for all users of PCs and laptops through the link HSG Focus is a quarterly publication and, besides video, audio and text articles about the focal topic, primarily contains news and background stories about University life.