
People - 28.05.2020 - 00:00 

Dr. Christoph Heusgen to become Honorary Professor

Christoph Heusgen has been appointed Honorary Professor for the area of Foreign Policy and Diplomacy with effect from 1 August 2020. He will play a key role in the International Affairs programmes.
Source: HSG Newsroom

28 May 2020. Dr. Heusgen’s appointment represents a return to his alma mater, with which he has been closely associated for many years, and not only through his studies and doctorate in Economic Sciences. The Institute for Political Science (IPW-HSG) has also appreciated the close collaboration with him on issues of transatlantic relations and European security for many years now. In addition to which, numerous International Affairs students have also been able to get to know Dr. Christoph Heusgen and benefit from his extraordinary expertise. With his personal commitment as a guest lecturer in seminars, as well as meetings with students and doctoral candidates, he has not only supported their studies in an extraordinary manner, but also opened doors to the political arenas in Berlin and Brussels. Through his long career in the diplomatic service and various political posts, he has established a global network of contacts in foreign and security policy positions, and opened up this network to HSG students. With this honorary professorship, the University of St.Gallen would like to honour his outstanding commitment and expertise and provide students with an in-depth education in the area of foreign policy and diplomacy. Dr. Heusgen's return to his alma mater will provide a significant benefit to the International Affairs students while offering numerous opportunities for further teaching and research projects.      

Representative of Germany at the UNO

Dr. Heusgen wrote his doctoral thesis "Ludwig Erhards Lehre von der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft" (Ludwig Erhard's Theory of the Social Market Economy) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Walter Adolf Jöhr and Prof. Dr. Hans Christoph Binswanger during his time as scientific assistant at the Institute of Economics (FGN-HSG). After obtaining his doctorate in 1980, he joined the Foreign Service of the Federal Republic of Germany in the same year. After holding various posts in the diplomatic service, including periods in the USA and France, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Javier Solana, appointed him head of his political staff in 1999. In the same year Chancellor Angela Merkel appointed him Advisor for Foreign and Security Policy. A challenging position, which he held for twelve years. In 2017 he was appointed Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations.

Furthermore, Dr. Heusgen often works closely with the Swiss government, for example, during the Russian annexation of the Crimea and the Ukraine crisis. During the Swiss OSCE Chairmanship in 2014, he worked closely with the Foreign Minister, Didier Burkhalter. He also works in close cooperation with the former ambassador in Berlin, Christine Schraner Burgener, the UN envoy for Myanmar. Together with the Swiss ambassador to the UN, Jürg Lauber, Dr. Heusgen chairs the Human Rights and Conflict Prevention Group of Friends.

In addition to his professional career, Dr. Christoph Heusgen has published a considerable number of articles. In addition to numerous popular scientific publications, among others on the occasion of the retirement of his doctoral adviser Prof. Walter Adolf Jöhr, many scientific analyses and publications have been produced by him. Overall, Dr. Christoph Heusgen’s contributions have succeeded in building a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Image: UN Photo / Manuel Elias
