Publications - 08.07.2010 - 00:00
27 January 2009. The extent of the worldwide financial and economic crisis is also confronting academia with new challenges. Now for the first time, 15 professors of the University of St.Gallen (HSG) offer their views in a joint publication.
Under the title Konsequenzen aus der Finanzmarktkrise – Perspektiven der HSG, they analyze the causes and consequences of the crisis. The publication provides new approaches to solutions in terms of responsible corporate management.
In the context of Responsible Corporate Competitiveness
In the context of the excellence initiative Responsible Corporate Competitiveness of the University of St.Gallen, 15 HSG researchers are now analyzing the causes and consequences of the crisis. As members of an institution under public law, the academics would like to make active contributions and provide suggestions for reforms.
Topics from economics and business administration
The topics derive from both economics and business administration. On the macro level, they focus on issues of international financial architecture, regulation, economic policy, deposit insurance, old-age provision, and the role of confidence in market systems.
On the micro level, they concentrate on the challenges for responsible corporate government, with contributions on the consequences for corporate governance, finance, risk management, accounting, data complexity, and sustainability.
The authors
Christoph Lechner, Simon Evenett, Peter Nobel, Manfred Gärtner & Florian Jung, Manuel Ammann, Beat Bernet, Monika Bütler, Ernst Mohr, Günter Müller-Stewens, Klaus Spremann, Hato Schmeiser, Martin Hilb, Peter Leibfried, Walter Brenner & Robert Winter, and Thomas Dyllick.