Campus - 19.07.2011 - 00:00
26 March 2011. On 26 March 2011, 243 undergraduates received their certificates for the degree of a Bachelor of Arts (B.A. HSG) on the occasion of the Bachelors’ Graduation Day at the University of St.Gallen: 185 in Management, 16 in International Affairs, 18 in Law, 9 of the latter in Law and Economics, and 24 in Economics.
Address about the right measure
In his address, President Thomas Biegerspoke about the “challenge of the (right) measure”. The attainment of the Bachelor’s degree, he said, places graduates in a new stage in life, which does not only offer additional freedoms but is also markedbythe disappearance of some norms.
The curse of comparison
Referring to the relative nature of measure and moderation, the President asked what the right measure was in the first place. He noted that perception processes and comparisons distort people’ssense of measure. For example, people tend to take their bearings from above rather than below, which subjects them to the curse of comparison. Finally, he gave the graduates the following piece of advice: “Seek an equilibrium between extremes.”