
People - 01.02.2021 - 00:00 

Appointment: Anna-Lena Horlemann

Professor Anna-Lena Horlemann is Associate Professor for Foundations of Computation as of 1 February 2021.
Source: HSG Newsroom

1 February 2021. Professor Anna-Lena Horlemann was born on 6 September 1983 and is a German citizen.

She studied mathematics (and philosophy) at the Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, from 2002 to 2007, where she was a research assistant and completed an exchange semester at the University of Bergen, Norway. In 2013, she gained her PhD from the University of Zurich with a doctoral thesis on “Constructions, Decoding and Automorphisms of Subspace Codes”. After her doctoral thesis, she became a member of the research staff at Monash University in Australia, at the University of Melbourne in Australia and at the University of Zurich. From September 2015 to February 2017, she was a senior researcher and lecturer at EPF Lausanne. Since March 2017, she has been Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Information Technology at the University of St.Gallen.

Theoretical Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

Professor Anna-Lena Horlemann's main research areas are coding theory and code-based cryptography, which are both fields of theoretical computer science and applied mathematics. A large part of her work centres on the development and analysis of efficient algorithms for complex mathematical problems, as well as the proof of NP-hardness or NP-completeness of certain decision or computational problems.

By applying these algorithms and computational problems in modern computer communication, her research has real-world implications, as nowadays almost every aspect of our private and professional lives is based on digital data storage and communication.

Since 2013, Professor Anna-Lena Horlemann's research has been published regularly in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, the leading journal in the field of coding theory, as well as regularly in other high-quality international journals such as Designs, Codes and Cryptography. She is also an Associate Editor of the journal Advances in Mathematics of Communication and a reviewer for other international journals.


Professor Anna-Lena Horlemann has more than 15 years' extensive teaching experience in various topic areas, ranging from advanced mathematics to applied lectures in cybersecurity and machine learning. In future, she will teach basic mathematics, theoretical computer science and coding theory to computer science students, as well as cybersecurity to all other students at St. Gallen.
