
Campus - 21.09.2021 - 00:00 

73 new PhDs at the University of St.Gallen

At the start of the fall semester on 20 September 2021, the University of St.Gallen awarded 73 doctorates - 38 in economics, 16 in social sciences, 8 law, 5 in political science, 4 Doctors of Philosophy in Economics and Finance, and 2 Doctors of Philosophy in Finance. <br/>
Source: HSG Newsroom

"Today we celebrate your success," President Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller stated, congratulating the new PhDs on their graduation. "But with your scientific activity you have also have been introduced to success’s dark twin: failure." With this statement "Successful failure" became the theme of the Rector’s address.

Regardless of a doctoral student's motivation, work-ethic or creativity, there is never a guarantee of success in a dissertation project, Bernhard Ehrenzeller said. "Last year, for example, the pandemic thwarted the plans of many researchers. Experiments had to be postponed, redesigned, field research visits cancelled and archive visits postponed,” he elaborated.

Bernhard Ehrenzeller urges graduates to see setbacks as opportunities, "this, I believe, is the secret to success. Learning from past failures allows one to move forward.”

Image: Foto Lautenschlager GmbH
